Friday, August 31, 2007

Car Blog Review : Ferrari Faqs

A lot of car lovers visit this blog, because here they can find a lot of useful informations about Ferrari and also some Wallpapers. The italian car is one of the most loved cars from all-time and i think it will remain the same even if time passes by and new cars are ariving in your garage. Another thing that i like at this blog is the relaxing theme that it has. I love reading this blog because is clean , with not too many ads around it, and here's i can find out things that i didn't knew about Ferrari's History. With a little more advertisements , this one will become bigger that it is right now. Congrats to admin for a well done job here.

Camaro Faqs, Latest News and Information about the Chevy Camaro Review

This blog : Camaro Faqs, Latest News and Information about the Chevy Camaro is a very interesting blog which offers you a great opportunity to find out more about Chevy Camaros , or to read new and fresh Camaro News, or some interesting Camaro Articles. I think if admin will try harder and he will update this blog daily he iwll receive a lot of traffic not only from search engines but also from other car blogs. The design is clean and very nice , and the sidebar isn't full of unused things , like i saw in some other related blogs. Go there for a visit and i'm sure you won't be dissapointed.

Ford FAQs Blog gets reviewed

Car lovers will enjoy reading this blog, Ford Faqs, the Latest on Ford Vehicles and News. The site is very easy to navigate, as there is not much meat to the site. Posts are centered down the page and there is only right sided navigation bar. In the Categories from the right sidebar you can find Ford GT, Ford Mustang, Ford News and the archive of this blog. While there may be a finite amount of vehicles that can be reviewed, there is a wealth of automotive news available that could be brought to the website to keep the readership alive. With a few of these changes, I think this site could be well appreciated by the automotive aficionado.

Ford Mustang FAQs, The Ultimate Ford Mustang Website

While i was surfing for another cars blog , i've found this one called Ford Mustang FAQs , a place where you can find answers to some questions regarding Ford Mustangs cars , Mustang Parts or News . It has a nice design , a theme that i wanted for myself, but i never found it. Maybe admin will help me by giving me some links to download it , or why not to send it to me. I think it's a good organized site with a high page rank (PR4). I like this site so much , so i don't have anything to say about it. It's just perfect.

Modded Mustangs - The ultimate Mustang performance modding community

Modded Mustangs is a well organized site that offers you some interesting news , reviews and some parts of cars. This is one of my favourite cars blog, because i can fine fresh Mustang news here and i can also talk to people in their forum which is a well promoted board. I am sure that this site will become bigger and bigger as time will pass by, because it's high page rank (PR5) can make the difference. The design is clean and very nice, and the adsense ads are well positioned. Applause for a good job done here, for a hard working admin. Go for it !

Media Mobile , best mobile phone deals

Well, last time when i want to buy a new cell phone, i couldn't find any interesting sites that could have given me some informations about the best deals in town. Today, i found this site , it's called Media Mobile and the first thing I noticed about it is the clean template, easy navigation. Oh , i forgot to tell you , they have a strong page rank of 4 which means that we are not the only people talking about it. Another interesting thing regarding this mobile phones site is that they have several subdomains such as Pay As You Go Mobiles and Mobile Phone subdomains that also offers quite interesting informations on how to make a good deal in buying a high-quality low priced phone. Go there for a visit , it worths. I added this site to my favourites.

Cyber Web Link Directory - Bid to be on the top

Here's another , but different web directory, a bidding web directory. The first thing that strikes me about any directory, no matter how good the interface design is the PageRank and Cyber Web Link Directory has a very high PR of 4 for its aptly titled main category pages and each of their meticulously maintained inner page dips to a 4 at the maximum, if at all. I like the design of this site, and your domain name is attractive (it also gets right to the point). There are a lot of sites added to this special directory and a lot of admins that really bid to be in the top of their category list. That's what i think is the most interesting thing at this web directory. While i was surfing this one , i've found some interesting categories such as Paid Directories or Work At Home. You can find interesting websites there , i guarantee that. Well, i think you should visit it if you want to see for yourself. Enjoy !

Review : Business Web Directory

Earlier i presented to you a web directory , now i have another directory to present but this time it's a business web directory. A well designed PR4 directory that can offer you a chance to have a bigger page rank to your site. They have a huge number of quality backlinks, which is the secret to their high PageRank, thus making them one of the most viable directories to get your site listed in. Also, Google recognizes Wamchu Directory as an authority site and you can be assured of having your site listed in a directory that is a preferred site crawled by Google. Anyway , i like this site and i am not the only one , google loves it too because Wamchu Business Directory extremely search engine friendly.

Aeoma Web Directory Gets Reviewed

Aeoma Web Directory is a place where your site should be added to. Why's that ? Because it's a PR4 directory that can bring a good page rank to your website. It has a clean and nice design and its structure includes a lot of categories such as Software , Paid directories and others. Another thing that impressed me at this directory is the Featured Websites section , where you can find 3 random sites from Aeoma. I never saw something like this before in a directory. To conclude , i think this one it should be on your list when you start page rank hunting campaign for your site.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

iPhone Talk, where the iPhones Talk

I want to present you a interesting project called iPhonesTalk. It has a really nice and clean design and it has always been a good place to find out iPhone fresh news, reviews , ringtones and more. The site loads very fast and i didn't find any bugs on it , but i think the owner should promote it better. I don't know , maybe it's my personal opinion , but i think this blog isn't going in the right direction. Why's that ? Because it seems that no one commented to any articles , or maybe admin closed them. I don't know , i think iPhonesTalk can become a bigger blog than it is right now.

Anyway , i think you should give it a try , because i'm sure you will find interesting stuff there , such as : reviews , ringtones , unlocking the iPhone and lot of other interesting articles.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Review : My reflections (Investing blog)

Yesterday , while i was searching for some news related blog , i've found an quite interesting site called Investing blog. This blog is not a new one , it has 8 months of living alonside the most important news that was published there. Computers , Real World , Search engines are just of few categories that can make you favorite this one and visit it again in the future. I think this one will soon become a big succes. Good luck to admin and don't forget to go there and read some interesting news.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

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Also common things like blogroll, feeds, track-backs are present in the settings in the admin panel where you can do a related set of operations. Also you can publish your podcast feeds and rss feeds via settings and also choose ping servers to ping and all free. Moblogging or mobile blogging is allowed and you can make a perfect setting for this in admin panel.

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