Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How to Write the Right Title for Digg

Yes it's true, content is king. If your content is great, if your service is unparalleled and your product truly novel, nothing will stand in its way, right? Well not entirely. If you are to truly take advantage of all socially driven sites have to offer, you need to focus on presentation. How you present yourself can take you long way, and here's how to do it right.

"Instead, to increase your chances of getting on Digg's homepage, try coming up with something unique and funny but don't forget to make sure it's still related to the article."

So how do you create the perfect title?

While we can ignore words like "Wii", "Google", "Apple", Linux", "Microsoft", "Mac", "PS3", "iTunes", "Windows", "Nintendo", "Digg", "iPod", the rest of the words give us an interesting insight into how to present yourself and into what exactly this particular community is looking for.

The words "new", "first", and "top" tell us that you have to be the first one to do something and do it well.

The word "launch" tells us that your chances of getting the attention you are looking for are higher on launch day. People like trying out new things, and being the first ones to give it a spin. Just keep in mind that if you're expecting to get Dugg on the launch day, make sure you can handle it.

The word "how" shows that the community likes to be told how to do something and do it well. If you are in the market of instructional writing, this one is for you.

The word "web" is quite obviously a sign that a web-based or web-related service is more tuned to the interests of the crowd.

The words "pictures" and "video" tell us that it is often better to use these mediums to present information in a quicker and more appealing way than just paragraphs upon paragraphs of text.

And lastly, the word "free" is self-explanatory. Just keep in mind that free is a tactic, not a business model.

So the next time you're launching a service, or a stroke of literary genius strikes you, don't forget to keep the above-mentioned words in mind (as long as they are applicable).

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Increase Adsense Earning By 300%

How to do that?

The Google Adwords and AdSense programs are in jeopardy, in jeopardy of losing credibility as a quality pay per click advertisement service because they’ve allowed made for adsense, websites that pay $0.01 - $0.05 per click and destroy your website(s) reputation, to abuse their system. Since Google refuses to solve problem, we at ABL are offering you the solution.-ABL

Now,please go to AdsBlackList.com,at your right side “DEMO - How does AdsBlackList generator work?”,type in your URL, Keywords, check “Made For Ads” and “Low Cost Per Click”, then click the “Get Black List !” button.

In few seconds will have a long list of low cost per click URL will be generated.Copy the list and login into your Google Adsense account. Under “Adsense Setup > Competitive Ads Filter > Adsense For Content”, paste the list inside the textbox and click the “Save changes” button.

After a day or 12 hours,my Adsense earning just jump up to 300%!It is legal,not against the Google Adsense policy.

Digitpedia Technology news

Digitpedia is a technology news & reviews website with high quality content & articles. So, if you want to read quality IT news & reviews, visit digitpedia.com

Top 8 Google Adsense Earners

When i'm blogging,i always think how much would i earn per month.Am i is the highest?(just kidding) Now, i would show you the list who is top 8 Google Adsense Earner here:

1.Markus Frind: PlentyOfFish.com - $300,000 per month
2.Kevin Rose: Digg.com - $250,000 per month
3.Jeremy Shoemaker: Internet Marketer - $140,000 per month

4.Jason Calacanis: Weblogs, Inc - $120,000 per month
5.David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard: FreeWebLayouts.net - $100,000 per month
6.Tim Carter: AskTheBuilder.com - $30,000 per month
7.Joel Comm: Get Rick Quick Guru - $24,000 per month
8.Shawn Hogan: DigitalPoint.com - $10,000 per month

To get more details about this list, you can visit HERE. I personally think that there are more people earning more than this list. Why do not Google Adsense unveil the list?